Five Gillings annual donors share why they give.
Stuart & Karen Gansky
Stuart Gransky is professor and chair of oral epidemiology and associate dean for research at the University of California, San Francisco; 1996 DrPH graduate in biostatistics; Karen Gransky, MS, is a special education teacher in the San Mateo-Foster City School District

“We both are grateful for the opportunities we’ve been fortunate to have had, especially to attend Carolina – where we met – and to be involved in UNC campus and community activities. We want to ensure current and future Carolina students continue to have similar opportunities.”
Derrick Matthews, PhD
Assistant professor of health behavior. Research focus: LGBTQ health; the racial inequity in the US HIV/AIDS epidemic among sexual minority men

“The Hatch-Barnhill Scholarship is a great way to support efforts to create a more diverse student body in health behavior and a more inclusive department. In many ways, our students are already leading us; the extent to which I can support their training is one of the best ways I can advocate for health equity.”
Ned Brooks, DrPH
Retired professor of health policy management; 1985 DrPH graduate in maternal and child health

“One of the biggest lessons from 2020 is that high quality public health is essential to our well-being. The Gillings School is one of the very best in the country, so when I give to it, I know my gift will be well spent on crucially important teaching, research and service.”
Khadija Jahfiya, MSPH
Legislative fellow with the Senate Agriculture Committee; 1999 MSPH graduate; monthly donor to the Minority Health Conference and the Department of Health Policy Management

“I am very intentional about my giving – I want to make sure my money is supporting work I feel passionate about. People my age can make a difference – having been students, we can understand that it’s nice to have that support. Even if you just give a little bit, it goes a long way.”
Jason Zaks
Managing Director, Alex Brown Institutional Consulting in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The Laurel E. Zaks Master of Public Health Scholarship in Global Public Health Nutrition was created by Zaks’ family in her memory.

“My sister loved her time in graduate school and loved traveling and helping people. It’s been awesome to meet the scholarship recipients – they all share that same passion to help people. We are happy to be a small part of continuing the School’s great work and its impact felt around the world.”