Fall 2023

NCIPH welcomes a new director!

article summary

Welcome to Dr. Amy Joy Lanou, who brings extensive experience in public health and community engagement to her new role as NCIPH director.

The North Carolina Institute for Public Health (NCIPH) has recommended to the UNC-Chapel Hill Chancellor and Board of Trustees that Amy Joy Lanou, PhD, be appointed the next faculty director of NCIPH, and she has agreed to accept the appointment when officially tendered by UNC-Chapel Hill.

The appointment process is anticipated to be complete in time for her to start in November. Lanou’s faculty appointment will be in the UNC Gillings Public Health Leadership Program, where she currently has an adjunct professor appointment.

Lanou currently serves as the executive director of the North Carolina Center for Health and Wellness at UNC-Asheville. The center “works to impact policy, build capacity and ignite community initiatives by working through a web of cross-sector relationships organized around building healthier places throughout the state.”

In addition to this role, Lanou serves as the UNC-Asheville lead for the UNC-Asheville — UNC Gillings Master of Public Health Program, which is a place-based MPH concentration that “centers people and their communities as the catalyst for transforming systems to promote well-being for all.”

Lanou is a tenured professor of nutrition in UNC-Asheville’s department of health and wellness. She also served as chair of that department from July 2014 to January 2020.

Welcome, Dr. Lanou!

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