Fall 2023

Training the next generation of leaders

article summary

The Gillings School marks its largest graduating class and achievements in academic training and support.

A total of 900 students graduated from the Gillings School this year, marking the largest public health cohort ever at UNC-Chapel Hill. In addition to planning and implementing the largest commencement and reception in Gillings history, the teams in academic and student affairs have celebrated a number of achievements this year.

A team led by leaders in student affairs and instructional technology launched Gillings Navigate, a new online system to strengthen the connection between students, academic coordinators and resources in the School and the University. Students can use Gillings Navigate to make an appointment; instantly schedule a meeting with an academic coordinator or other academic affairs professionals; and review their degree plan and advising reports, notes and other information provided by their academic coordinator. Students can set alerts and reminders and connect to wellbeing, career, funding and academic resources and support.

The School has implemented an external seasonal reviewer program for the Master of Public Health (MPH) degree to bring in community partners and public health professionals/alumni perspectives in the admissions process. We have also improved admitted student communication with the launch of the interactive MPH admitted student portal and a customized campaign highlighting various aspects of the Gillings community.

Drs. Laura Linnan and Rebecca Fry led a revision of the Gillings Appointment, Promotion and Tenure (APT) Manual, approved by the University in June. They also organized peer faculty mentoring panels to help enhance faculty mentoring of students in the School.

In preparation for a successful Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) reaccreditation in 2024, Gillings is participating in the self-study process which includes a peer review visit taking place Oct. 9 – 11, 2024. You can view the accreditation timeline and leadership on our website.

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